I always wear a hat. Also, I have a cat named Boots.

Secretary of Gaming


Joined on 11/4/18

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What's up?

Posted by Hibachi - May 4th, 2021

Hey guys! What's been up? I am now free from my shackles of uni and I can draw finally! I have a few things planned for what I want to draw and some things planned for what I want to practice. Besides that, I want to say thank you so so so much for the support from my Pico Day design! That was my first Pico Day design ever and I wished I planned it out a bit further and did it a bit earlier because I believe I could've done better lol. However, seeing all the positive feedback and just straight up nice comments made my mfkin day and made me a happy fool. I've read ALL of your comments, so no worries. I just have a bad time responding be there are literally so many lmao. Seriously, I promise I read all of your support. Those from Twitter, I am seriously grateful to you for supporting my work from there too since I really wanted to get my footing in that platform. Honestly, Pico day was a blast just seeing everyone's artwork and the feeling of support given by NG community. Thank you guys so much :' ).

Also, I did read a bunch of comments asking for me to sell or make the design as a poster or as a shirt. Although I would like to, unfortunately, I can not do that. My reasoning is because this was a homage piece and I do not own any of the concepts, characters, logos, and properties on what is depicted in the design, even if it is fanart. I would like to respect the creators of what's depicted in the design and not sell the design in any regard without permission from all. I hope you understand and I apologize if that's a bummer. It would be sick as a poster though, I cannot lie about that lmao.

Anyways thank you so much guys for giving me a blast for the first Pico day I have ever had and seeing the hella awesome support from the community. You guys are sick! Newgrounds is cool af :D

Have a great summer, guys!



Followed, and excited to see what you do next!

What if it got officially sold on the Newgrounds sharkrobot store with permission from the artists? (and you of course)